Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Bannon, Barr and Holder; Why Only One Gets Third-Degree Treatment

Eric Holder defied a congressional subpoena about the Operation ‘Fast & Furious,’ a gun trafficking scandal that led to the death of Border Agent Brian Terry, was he held accountable?

Mexican Journalists are Asking ATF ‘Gunwalker’ Questions

We know the ATF orchestrated the scheme to allow guns to be “walked” into Mexico. They have no authority to arrange and oversee that into a foreign country.

‘War Criminal’ Deported as U.S. ‘War on Guns’ Criminals Continue to Evade Justice

As 'Fast And Furious' ambush news unfolded At Justice Dept. “Top men” were being informed to get a handle on things, to find out what happened, and to make decisions on what to do.

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Eric Holder & Barack Obama as the Next Justices to the Supreme Court!? ~ VIDEO

Under a clueless Joe Biden Presidency, a packed supreme court to include new Justices Holder & Obama would guarantee the end of the electoral college, the second amendment, and our once-great nation.

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Guns-to-Mexico Hit Piece Picks Up Where Pre-Fast and Furious Lies Left Off

Does anyone believe the cartels are dependent on small retail purchases of semi-autos with added costs of paying straw purchasers along with shipping costs and smuggling risks?

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Lying Anti-Trump Ad No Surprise When You See Who’s Behind It

So who are these guys trying to dishonestly influence an election (and you'd think there'd be laws against knowing fraud)?

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Democrats Show Partisan Hypocrisy in Contempt Treatments

Cummings had a personal culpability stake in seeing any investigation into “gunwalking” stonewalled, deflected and left to die on the vine.

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Democrat Hypocrisy on Executive Privilege Recalls Different ‘Gunwalker’ Reaction

Why do identical findings of “did not establish” and “found no evidence” result in a furious demand for heads in one case and triumphant cries of vindication in the other?

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‘US Guns to Mexico’ Report Feels like ‘Deja vu All Over Again’

Tellingly, the same “progressive” subversives complaining about  how easy it is to send guns south across the border then turn around and demand the borders be open.

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