Using Cryptocurrency to Defeat the Anti-Gun Lobby

Using Cryptocurrency to Defeat the Anti-Gun Lobby
Using Cryptocurrency to Defeat the Anti-Gun Lobby, IMG iStock-Marc Bruxelle

U.S.A.-( With politicians like Beto O’Rourke pushing banks and credit cards to stop doing business with the firearms industry gun owners are looking for gun-friendly alternatives to credit cards.

One way to defeat the efforts of the anti-gun politicians is to start expanding the use of cryptocurrencies. A cryptocurrency is a decentralized currency based on blockchain technology. Since no one person controls the money, it is impossible to shut down or monitor what people do with it. It is like a version of paper money on the internet.

Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency to appear on the internet. In 2009 the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto released bitcoin. Satoshi Nakamoto is a pseudonym for the person or people who developed the blockchain. To this day, no one is sure of the real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. Due to the complexity of the code and that hackers haven’t been able to compromise the code in ten years; we believe that Satoshi is more than likely a team of programmers.

Cryptocurrency uses the blockchain. The blockchain is a digital distributed ledger that keeps track of every transaction. There isn’t a central server for the blockchain. It uses peer-to-peer networking to share the ledger across tens of thousands of nodes. Once a transaction is recorded, a user cannot modify a block without a consensus of nodes.

Users who run blockchain nodes get a small commission for each transaction. This hosting of blockchain nodes is called crypto mining. The amount that a user can make from mining is dependent on how fast and how many transactions the node can process by doing complex math problems.

This verification causes the blockchain to be very secure. By using the blockchain, it prevents the double-spending problem. The double-spending problem is where a user can send the same cryptocurrency to multiple people. The blockchain solves the problem and eliminates the need for a centralized server.

A user who wants to use cryptocurrency needs to set up a wallet. A wallet is where a user stores, sends, and receives their funds. It is like a decentralized PayPal account. The user’s wallet connects directly to the blockchain.

The user’s wallet has a public key and a private key. A user can give out their public key without worrying about putting their funds in danger. This key is used by other users to send cryptocurrency to the end-user. No two wallets public keys are the same. No one can see who owns a wallet by using the public key.

The private key allows the users to access the funds in a wallet. A user must keep their private key a secret. With cryptocurrencies, there are no chargebacks. Once a user transfers currency, it is gone. This transfer is just like using cash.

There is another way to store your currency. In cold storage, a user saves the currency to a piece of paper. The Winklevoss twins break their cryptocurrency I.D.s into three parts and store them in three different safety deposit boxes around the country. This technique makes it almost impossible for thieves to steal their cryptocurrency.

The Universal Settlement Coin (TUSC) is a new gun-friendly cryptocurrency based on the popular Ethereum blockchain. The idea for coin came from a team of passionate shooters, and gun rights advocates lead by Rob McNealy.

“TUSC was purpose-built for the lawful firearms industry,” McNealy told AmmoLand. “Before we began coding, we reached out to numerous gun retailers and learned about the struggles they were having with banking and payment processing. We took what we learned and incorporated it into TUSC. For example, we know that custom gun builders have a big problem with chargebacks due to the long wait times. So, there are no chargebacks allowed on the TUSC network. We also know that waiting for ACH deposits can take a while, which can create cash flow issues for mom and pop stores. So, we created 3 second block times in our network, so that the coins are instantly deposited into the digital wallets of the retailers.”

The anonymity of TUSC is a crucial feature of the currency for the gun industry. As reported by AmmoLand, New York State served sellers of 80% lower receivers with a cease and desist order. Part of this order prevents the sellers from deleting information on the buyer’s identities.

New York State plans to use the information to figure out which residents have purchased an 80% lower. These receivers are currently legal in New York, but analyst expects the New York legislature will pass a proposed law banning these receivers in January.

By using TUSC and a dropbox, a user can remain anonymity completely anonymous. It would not matter if New York State got their hands on the records. There would be no private information and no way to track the receiver.

TUSC is also offering customer support for on-boarding gun retailers that plan to except TUSC. The onboarding will help the retailers set up wallets and teach the retailers on how to cash out their coins for dollars.

Readers can read more about TUSC at

Readers can also learn more about the history of cryptocurrency by reading Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption.

About John CrumpJohn Crump

John is an NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the Virginia State Director for Gun Owners of America. He hosts live streams at  John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methods and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at