By Guy J. Sagi
USA -( Registered dead voters do more than just make polling-place lines rigor mortis slow.
Admittedly their turnout is low, but their appearance unearths the kind of fraud that could imperil the very survival of the 2nd Amendment this election cycle.
The stories are haunting.
One gravedigger in Virginia recently registered 20 dead people.
The same month, Colorado officials discovered Sara Sosa cast a ballot four times after she assumed room temperature. There were other undead voters in the state, but she was the most religious in her civic duties.
A New Jersey paper reported thousands of the dearly departed in the state are on eligible lists, although only 58 voted.
A Texas woman haunted officials long enough to ask for an absentee ballot this month and some are still being mailed to deceased New Yorkers. Southern California admits it also has the problem.
In 2012, PEW Research estimated 1.8 million dead, nationwide, were still officially eligible and registered.
Up to 50 on that list voted that year in North Carolina. A New York investigator paid “dead people” to go to the polls on election day—all were successful.
Over in Nassau County, 200 zombies made their voice heard. Nine hundred stiffs fulfilled their civic duty in South Carolina in 2012 and the same year, Texas undead voters totaled 239—213 of them staggered into polling places without rousing suspicion. Here’s another case of non peaceful rest in Maryland.
Admittedly, some of these situations are clerical errors, but some are criminal acts, a fact made obvious in the case of Pat Tillman.
Believe it or not, a deceased Army Ranger, American hero and NFL superstar was registered to vote after he was killed in the Global War on Terrorism.
The Stiff Party can’t muster the numbers to cremate opponents, but it’s a stark reminder that meddlesome criminals rely on living, breathing and patriotic Americans avoiding the polls.
On Nov. 8, make your voice heard and preserve the 2nd Amendment—because that eulogy would signal the death of this great republic.
Gun writer, photographer and author Guy J. Sagi—once labeled America’s most notorious outdoor writer by an animal extremist group—can be followed on his Fear and Loading fan page on Facebook or YouTube channel.