Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Guns.com Week in Review: What is going on in Ferguson, MO?

No corny jokes or other words of wisdom this week, just a roundup of our continuing coverage of the continuing police / military action in Ferguson, MO. check out the latest on Officer Wilson's grand jury hearing, our coverage of the investigation, the protests, the riots, the civilian responses to the looting, likely resulting legislation and the President's response.

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Guns.com Week in Review: The Quaker defense

Make sure to vote in our new 'burning questions' section. We got a sizable response on our first run, so look forward to seeing these findings cited in future Guns.com content.

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Guns.com Week in Review: Plastic bottles and ‘burning questions’

Don't miss our new section "Burning questions", dedicated to picking the brains of some of the smartest people I know--Guns.com readers.

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Guns.com Week in Review: The Quietiest Shotgun

With points for theatricality, Silencerco unveiled a truly long-awaited gun gadget with honest to goodness game changing potential... the shotgun suppressor.

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Guns.com Week in Review: Limp-wristing

Limp-wristing is a scourge upon handgun shooters that must be destroyed. Here is one of my favorite wrist exercises for getting iron mitts.

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Guns.com Week in Review: A good guy with a gun

This week, Joseph Wilcox, a legal concealed carrier from Nevada, was tragically killed in a heroic attempt to protect the lives of innocent civilians. Yet, today, google "good guy with gun", and you'll see that far and wide, this act of bravery isn't the story the gossip hounds are baying.

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Guns.com Week in Review: Truth during a traffic stop

Our newsletter is growing by the week, so be sure to check out our new activism section for opportunities to show your support of Second Amendment rights. And if you want to never miss the most important gun stories again, sign up today and get our weekly review in your inbox.

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Guns.com Week in Review: Anticipation

If honest musings about gun culture and a handpicked review of the weeks most important stories and upcoming events and contests interests you even a little, do yourself a favor and sign up for our newsletter today. Here’s a what we’ve been up to…

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Guns.com Week in Review: The Coyote Principle

If honest musings about gun culture and a handpicked review of the weeks most important stories and upcoming events and contests interests you even a little, do yourself a favor and sign up for our newsletter today. Here’s a what we've been up to…

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Guns.com Week in Review: Truth in gun humor

Guns.com just put out the fifth installment of our weekly newsletter and judging by the responses we've got so far, folks seem to like it. If honest musings about gun culture and a handpicked review of the weeks most important stories and upcoming events and contests interests you even a little, do yourself a favor and sign up today. Here's a what we were up to last week...

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Guns.com Week in Review: Sign up for our newsletter and get this in your inbox!

After four years of soliciting your email addresses, Guns.com has finally launched our very own insider newsletter. Sign up today to get our weekly review sent directly to your inbox and check out our second issue inside.

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