Tactical Atlas Firearm Blog

Media Continues Misleading Public on Nature of Rights

“This is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence.”

Lawyers for Hawaii Gun Carry Lawsuit File Supreme Court Brief in New York Case

“Because of inaction, this Court has allowed the lower courts all the latitude they need to render the Second Amendment a paper tiger,” the brief charges...

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Bloomberg-Supported Gun ‘News’ Feeds False Narrative that Heller was Revisionist

[T]he manufactured individual vs. collective "controversy" actually did not arise until the gun ban lobby invented their argument...

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Gorsuch Opinion in Deportation Case Raises Doubts for Gun Owners

Think of one job you’ve ever applied for where you’d have gotten it if you decided to play coy with the hiring managers.

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Stevens’ Call to Repeal Second Amendment Caps a Career of Judicial Subversion

If a tyrannical government does repeal the Second Amendment it will not take away our right to keep and bear arms. Only we can give that up.

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Law Professor Claims Second Amendment Irrelevant to Gun Debate

“How they think they would win against the weaponry of the modern military is anyone’s guess, of course, but that is beside the point here.”

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