POF Revolution, The .308 AR-15 Rifle – Video Review

U.S.A.-(Ammoland.com)- There was this guy, Jeff Cooper, maybe you’ve heard of him. He was a marine and he came up with many of the modern pistol fighting techniques; helped invent the 10 mm round, and had this idea for the ultimate general-purpose rifle, his one rifle. This rifle would be less than 3 feet in length and weigh less than 7 pounds, so the rifle was very compact and maneuverable, while still packing the punch of the 308 cartridge. Giving it the ability to make decisive impacts, even at longer distances. He came up with the scout rifle, but that’s only because he never got to see the POF Revolution. If he were alive today, I believe the POF Revolution would be his one rifle. 

One rifle to fill every role, seems like an unrealistic expectation, some kind of unachievable goal. However, the Revolution can pretty much fill any role you can come up with, and do it better than most anything else available. Because there’s nothing else like the Revolution. It maintains the compactness, maneuverability, and superior ergonomics of the AR-15, while having the significantly greater knockdown power of the 308 cartridge.

POF Revolution DI

One thing people seem to really have a hard time understanding about the Revolution is whether it be piston or direct impingement, it is an AR-15 that shoots 308. It is not an AR-10; the much larger stoner design that was chambered in 308. AR-10’s, while good, I don’t think ever saw the success of the smaller AR-15, due to the larger size of the AR-10. I wouldn’t go as far to say that an AR-10 is cumbersome, but I don’t think you’ll find anyone who says that it feels as good as the smaller AR-15. The Revolution is an AR-15, chambered in 308, not an AR-10. This sits on the exact same frame as your 556; Daniel Defense, BCM, or if you really know what’s up, your POF. That is exactly what makes it so revolutionary. POF has gone through the engineering to make the significantly larger 308 round work in the smaller AR-15 package.

POF Revolution DI

What that gives you is one seriously compact and nimble 308 rifle. With a collapsed length of 34 inches, and weighing in at only 6.8 pounds, this is a pint-size 308. Of course, some minor changes needed to be made to make the AR-15 platform able to accommodate the SR25 308 magazines that the Revolution uses. First, the most notable thing differentiating a Revolution from a normal AR, is the greatly enlarged magazine well to accommodate those 308 magazines. Yet, the takedown pin placement remains exactly the same as a normal AR-15. Of course, some changes had to be made; the trigger has been moved ever so slightly to the rear, and the safety has been moved back as well. You can see how close it now sits to the rear takedown pin. Have no fear, the Revolution maintains the same superior ergonomics because POF cleverly and slightly moved back the grip in order to maintain the exact same relationship between the grip and safety that you would find in the AR-15. POF has come up with its own end plate that is slightly lengthened to accommodate the grip being moved back, and it has a QD mount in it.

A close look at the Revolution lower so you can see the changes.

Now I know what you’re thinking, a less than 7 pound AR that shoots 308 has to kick harder than the tenth shot of tequila. Well, you’d be wrong. Due to POF’s adjustable gas block, they call the Dictator, in combination with their muzzle brake, recoil is actually very light. The Dictator allows you to dial down the recoil to the point where it is pretty much the same as a 556, just like an AR-15. 

None of that matters if the gun doesn’t work. We ran well over 1000 rounds through the Revolution without a single malfunction, using a variety of ammo types. It worked amazingly well during run and gun drills and even suppressed. What is really impressive to me is the accuracy. You can easily shoot 3/4 inch groups at 100 yards with the Revolution, but what is most impressive, is when you start to stretch things out. Using Norma Match 168gr, we walked this 16 inch barreled 308 all the way out to 1000 yards. Now, I will say the targets at 1000, were man-sized, but I was still blown away.

POF Revolution DI

 POF didn’t just stop with the amazing innovation of packing the 308 cartridge in the AR-15 package; they also included all the great features of their Gen4 lower. This lower has all controls; bolt release, mag release, and safety on both sides of the gun, so you can easily reach everything from either side that you choose. There’s also a bolt hold-open button inside the trigger guard. They also include a very clever indentation for your trigger finger when it’s not on the trigger. Speaking of triggers, POF makes some great ones, like the very crisp 4.5 pound one that comes with the Revolution.

The E squared chamber is another bit of innovation that POF has come up with to make their rifles more reliable than most anything else available. They cut 4 very small groves in the neck of the chamber. This vents just enough gas back to push the casing from the chamber, so that you get true push-pull extraction. Not only will this simple innovation make some of the small parts on the system last longer, it will also greatly increase reliability and longevity in the rifle.

This is a look inside the Revolution’s E Squared chamber

The POF Revolution is an amazing feat of engineering that combines one of the greatest rifle designs of all time, with one of the most formidable rounds ever conceived. Furthermore, POF executed the entire rifle superbly, not sacrificing the quality of features for the innovation. It is also one rifle that can fill just about any role.

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