On the Road, when Camping, and at Church- More Self Defense Gun Stories

Police Lights and Crime Tape
Police Lights and Crime Tape

U.S.A.– (Ammoland.com)- Here is the news you don’t get from the mainstream media. Again this week, responsible gun owners defend themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor Jeff Street joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or did they have good habits? What can we learn from their experience? (19-minute audio)

These victims survived lethal attacks because they had a gun..and a plan.

First story-  Are you armed at work?

You work as a delivery driver after your regular job. You pick up the food order and drive to the address. There are people around the housing complex, but no one comes out to pick up their meal. A teenager walks by a minute later. He pulls a gun out of his pants and tells you to give him your wallet. You hand it over. He tells you to give him the food as well. You hand that to him. You’re armed. As the robber is juggling his packages, you draw your concealed firearm and shoot your attacker. The robber runs away. You stay at the scene and call the police. They find your robber a few blocks away. The officers put a tourniquet on your attacker and EMTs rush him to the hospital.

Second Story-  Are you armed as you visit friends?

A young woman you know asks if you’d like to come over. You enter her apartment, but then three men walk out of the back room and one of them points his gun at you. You’re being robbed. You’re armed. You wait your turn, and then you draw your gun and shoot your attacker. You run from the apartment and call police.

Third story- Are you armed when you’re camping?

You and your girlfriend are sleeping in your tent. It is two in the morning when someone opens your tent and climbs on your girlfriend. She screams. Both of you are trying to get the stranger out of your tent. He fights with you. You grab your handgun and shoot the stranger. You and your girlfriend are able to run away. You reach back into your tent to get your cell phone and call the police.

Fourth story- Are you armed when you answer a burglar alarm?

You’re the pastor of the Seminole Heights Baptist Church. Your phone rings with a notice from the church security alarm. You and one of your deacons will go take a look. You grab your firearm and drive to the church. You open the doors and find someone inside. You draw your gun and order him to the ground. You call the police.

Tag- no shots fired.

What would you do in these situations? Podcast and full discussion at the link.

Slow FactsAbout Rob Morse

Rob writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.

Contact Jeff Street at Step by Step Gun Training in Naples Florida.