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Labor Day Savings iStock 940108280 and 1395410574

As we exit the eye of the political storm and descend into full-blown election battle season, there are plenty of Labor Day sales happening, where you can save $$ on gear we need to keep everyone safe.

Time to replenish our depleted stockpiles of guns and ammo. When you shop using the links below, you can help support AmmoLand News, the only independent news organization fighting for your right to keep and bear arms.

Here is our fast-link list pointing to the sales pages for some of our favorite retailers that support AmmoLand News all year long. As we always say: Stay Heavily Armed & Very Dangerous!

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Consider checking our Gun Deals Coupon page and our past featured Daily Gun Deals page for additional savings from your favorite industry partners. Thank you very much for your support and I hope we save you some money by highlighting these sweet daily deals. Enjoy!