Pierre, SD -(Ammoland.com)- The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission proposed a clean-up in rule changes to a number of items related to the operation of state parks, recreation areas and game production areas at their June meeting.
The first proposal pertains to the time restrictions for using these lands. Parks staff ask people to leave areas after established hours if they are not engaged in legal activities cited in rule. Current rule language states that individuals may not enter the listed areas after the established hours, but does not address people continuing to use or occupy those areas after established hours for activities not cited in rule. The addition of the words use or occupy adds clarity to the rule purpose and intent.
The next rule proposal cleans up language outlining the campsite reservation process. The current rule language was written before the availability of the current point of sale system, online campsite reservations and the 24/7 reservation call center. The proposed language updates the rule.
The Commission also changed the terminology in regards to camping stays. Previously in rule, a camper could reserve an available campsite at any state park, recreation area or lakeside use area for up to 15 consecutive days. Campers will now be allowed to occupy a site for up to 14 nights. The time allowed to occupy a site has not changed, but 14 nights is more clearly understood than 15 days. When a camper arrives and occupies a site, that is their first night’s stay. When they have reached their fourteenth night’s stay, they must leave prior to check-out time on the fifteenth day.
The Commission will finalize this proposal at their July 7-8, 2016, meeting at the RedRossa Convention Room in Pierre. Written comments can be sent to wildinfo@state.sd.us. To be part of the official public record, comments must be received by 12 p.m. on July 7. Please include your full name along with the city and state of residence.
If you would like to comment in person, the public hearing will be held July 7, at 2 p.m. CDT at the RedRossa Convention Room in Pierre.
About The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (SDGFP):
The purpose of the Department of Game, Fish and Parks is to perpetuate, conserve, manage, protect, and enhance South Dakota’s wildlife resources, parks, and outdoor recreational opportunities for the use, benefit, and enjoyment of the people of this state and its visitors, and to give the highest priority to the welfare of this state’s wildlife and parks, and their environment, in planning and decisions.
For more information, visit: gfp.sd.gov.