ASA Statement On Various Pending Anti-Gun Legislation Affecting Suppressors

Comments by American Suppressor Association .

Use of Suppressors While Hunting
ASA Statement On Various Pending Anti-Gun Legislation Affecting Suppressors

ATLANTA, GA – Suppressor advocacy isn’t just our top priority; it’s our only priority.

On both the State and Federal levels, we are doing everything in our power to create opportunities for pro-suppressor reform to advance. If/when the right opportunities present themselves, we will be ready to take action.

There are also a lot of anti-gun bills being proposed right now, some of which are aimed at suppressors. As many of you know by now from our efforts to pass pro-suppressor legislation, the bill process is a long one. There are many steps to the process, from sometimes multiple committee hearings, to votes in both chambers, before a bill is signed into law. Most of these bills will never see the light of day, but rest assured that if any anti-suppressor bills start to gain traction we will be the first to fight them tooth and nail. Until they do gain traction, we will not use our voice to publicize any anti-suppressor legislation that is destined to fail.

While it is often frustrating to see these bills introduced at all, we don’t want to lend any credence to them by even acknowledging some of the far fetched plans that seek to deny your right to own a suppressor.

In a mid-term election year where candidates are trying to establish a platform and record of action, many are choosing to publicize their desire to restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners as a means to gather votes. We refuse to help publicize their efforts by making a statement against every single proposed bill. 

We are an organization of, by, and for the suppressor community. We appreciate your continued support for our work. Please know that we are working hard every single day to defend and advance your rights. We will not rest until every law-abiding citizen has the ability to use suppressors to help protect their hearing!


American Suppressor Association

ABOUT THE American Suppressor Association – 

The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is the unified voice of the suppressor industry. Our mission is to unite and advocate for the common interests of suppressor manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and consumers. To accomplish our mission, our principal initiatives focus on state lobbying, federal lobbying, and public education.

We are the country’s leading subject matter experts on suppressors and suppressor related advocacy. We have helped draft state and federal legislation, including the Hearing Protection Act, hosted countless suppressor demonstrations for legislators, are spearheading efforts to legalize commercial suppressor exportation through non-legislative means, and have actively lobbied in 28 states, as well as in Washington, D.C.