AmmoLand Contributor, Alan Caruba, Passes Away

Alan Caruba
Alan Caruba
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ –-( Long time contributor, journalist and conservative writer, Alan Caruba, died June 15 2015. He was 77.

The Newark-born Caruba was a reporter and columnist for the Morris County (NJ) Record before founding The Caruba Organization in 1970 and handling PR for myriad clients, particularly in the chemical and pest control sectors.

For years he published a spoof list of “The Most Boring Celebrities of the Year” under the guise of the Boring Institute, saying the media coverage, not the celebrities, was the boring issue.

“The bottom line is that the media does not know when to stop; they write about a celebrity long after the story has lost its value,” he told O’Dwyer’s in 2002, when Ozzy Osbourne and Osama bin Laden were among the Top 10. Michael Jackson headed the first list in 1984.

Caruba later attempted to expose media-frenzied issues, through his right-leaning lens, with his National Anxiety Center and wrote extensively online for his blog, Warning Signs, and outlets like AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.

His last Warnings Signs post was published on June 11 2015, railing against “President Barack Hussein Obama” for a “clueless” approach to the Mideast. Environmental topics, including a robust skepticism of global warming, were among his favorites.

“Alan was one of the most fearless writers I ever read — especially in the Internet Age in which ideological opponents swing bats at your head from the safety of an anonymous persona. But he never backed down, coming back time and again with a smile and a determination to tell the people the truth” wrote Jim Lakely director of communications at The Heartland Institute.

Caruba wrote on May 29 2015 that he was to undergo surgery, reporting June 3 that he had begun several weeks of recovery. He passed away at home on June 15, according to his Star-Ledger obituary.

Alan was familiar to regular readers of the AmmoLand Shooting Sports News Wire, covering the passing scene of conservative politics, environmentalism, energy, immigration and Islam.

“Alan became a great “online” friend,” said AmmoLand Editor Fredy Riehl. “We had conversations weekly, often laughing about the upside down world America had come to be under the Obama administration” “But all kidding aside Alan was one of the great conservative bloggers and had serious concerns about the direction of the country and he did all he could to keep America on the right track through his weekly no holds barred style of writing.”

“Thank you Alan for leading the charge to take back America, AmmoLand will keep your archive live and online for future generations to read and learn from. You were a true patriot!”