Alliance Week 2019 – An Inside Look at Day 1 – Try & Buy on 20 Jan

Anteris Alliance announce Alliance Week 2019 Platinum Sponsor and list of events – Registration Now Open!
Anteris Alliance(2A): an organizational network of patriot manufacturers and service providers bonded by their dedication to support our Veterans and First Responders and their families through the manufacture and market insertion of top quality products and services!

Post Falls, ID.-( In just a couple weeks, the whole of the shooting industry will converge on Las Vegas, for the annual shooting, hunting, outdoor, and tactical (SHOT) expo. Anteris Alliance as a group attends SHOT annually as the majority of our network of companies are either directly in, or work with many within the industry. The group launched Alliance Week several years ago to provide a controlled environment for their members and associated friends of the Alliance, to come together with a complete focus on patriot owned businesses who support Vets and First Responders.

A company can only exhibit at the event by invite from within the existing network, and the media, buyers, and influencers who attend, are also reviewed for approval into the event. Alliance Week kicks off on Sunday, January 20th, at Pro Gun Vegas, with their Try & Buy event. Gates open at 9:00am and will run until 4:30pm. The focus of this event is to allow both shooting and non-shooting companies to feature their products in the best possible way, allowing the attendees a chance to have a hands-on experience, and for buyers to meet directly with brand decision makers and take advantage of show specials and make an educated purchase.

“Anteris Alliance exists because of the continued hunger for relationship-based business and working in community. This desire added to the natural bond of common mission field of wanting to give back to great Veteran and First Responder charities built into the culture of each company. This in turn, opened the field up outside of the shooting industry, and now has a large volume of service providing companies, as well as musicians, coffee manufacturers, etc.” stated CEO, Casey Betzold. “It is growing very quickly and we are vetting companies to ensure they meet our standards of mutual benefit focus, quality product or service, great customer service, and a built-in culture of giving back to our service men and women. Our goal with the Try & Buy event is to get some very focused and personal time building relationships with each other as an Alliance group, be introduced to some new great companies in the industry we may not have worked with in the past, and to build steadfast and long-lasting relationships with a great group of industry buyers, and media partners who go out from shows and drive products and brand awareness for our companies. At the end of the day, we want to see stronger bonds with all levels business, long term relationships and mutual benefit for all working hard in their respective areas of expertise. We have never been focused on the quantity of folks at the event, but the quality!”

Exhibitors may still be able to get in last minute, but the window is closing fast. Interested exhibitors can reach out to info@anterisalliance, or call direct at 406-360-1631, to inquire on pricing and space. There is a discount for first-time exhibitors so be sure to take advantage.

Buyers, Media, and Influencers who have interest in attending this special event may register at

Event questions can be directed to

Interested Manufacturers, Dealers, and Individuals can visit for more details and follow Anteris Alliance on social media on all major platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter!